Generate color schemes and beautiful color themes from images. We help designers, artists or craft makers get color inspiration from real life, capture real color palettes from images by using advanced algorithms to automatically extract colors.
The app uses popular color theory generation modes like monocromatic, triad, shades, analogus, complementary, split complementary or tetrad to create the perfect color theme for your next project. It's like using an auto color snap tool in real life.
Automatically extract harmonious color schemes from images using a wide range of color theory generation modes: complementary, monochromatic, analogous, shades, triad, tetrad or split complementary *New*
Generate beautiful wallpapers from your favorite color schemes *New*
Automatically generate the color spectrum over the processed image
Colors can be easily edited
Find out detailed information about the colors including HEX, RGB and HSB values
Save color schemes in a Library for future reference and sharing
Color schemes can be exported by email, including color spectrum information, and color values in HEX, RGB and HSB.
Share your favorite color schemes with your friends on Facebook
What's in this version : (Updated : Jul 31, 2013)
Modified the way to pick photos from gallery. Hopefully this solves the loading gallery problem
Required Android O/S : 2.1+
Size: 8.6Mb APK
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